CPH LIGHT HAULAGE LTD acts as a trusted third party between a Buyer and a Seller on the Internet to create trust and security in online transactions. Often this service is used in the person-to-person market where transactions are created at online auctions or marketplaces.
CPH LIGHT HAULAGE LTD operates in more than 10 countries and will soon expand on a worldwide scale. We provide a safe and neutral environment to complete your online transactions. Beside our Escrow Solutions we also offer Delivery Solutions at best prices.

The primary concern of all the employees of our company is our continuous effort for complete satisfaction of our customers, for maintaining the highest levels of quality and reliability of the services we provide, always trying to combine the above with the minimal cost possible.
Nowadays, and thanks to the confidence of our customers and our efforts, we continually rise in terms of sales, a fact that is obvious in our annual financial statements, and which encourages us to set our standards ever higher.